Bitange Ndemo Website

Driver Sales and Delivery App
Project Goals

The goal of the website was to redesign Prof Bitange Ndemo's personal website to reflect a more modern look that is in keeping with current web design trends. The client also wanted a website that would be easy for him and his staff to manage once it was launched.

I designed:

  1. The Logo,
  2. The Layout of the website,
  3. Graphical elements
  4. The information architecture of the website
  5. The website on Wordpress

My Contribution
Logo Design
UI Design
Web Design
Tools Used
Adobe XD

The Process

I initiated the project by holding an elaboration meeting where we discussed and brainstormed on the features and functionality of the website that would help me design a website that would be liked by the client and solve the needs of the client's users. Below are the agreed sections of the website from the meeting and the audiences targeted by the website.

The result of the card sorting exercise held with the client.

Based on the meeting, I came up with a detailed information architecture of the website that would guide the design process. Below is the sitemap that I came up with from this exercise

Sitemap that guided our design process

I then embarked on creating a branding system that consisted of a logo, design patterns and color pallets that would be uses in the design of the website. Below is the branding guide I presented to the client.

After this, the next step involved creating wireframes that would allow us to have discussions with the client on whether the direction we were taking was in line with his expectation. We went through several iterations of this and made adjustments based on the client's feedback.

Wireframes Created using Adobe XD

We prototyped all the interactions on the website to allow us to conduct usability tests before development and below is the prototyping view of the relationships between the different artboards on the wireframe

Prototype mode on the wireframe

I also conducted testing with a sample of the projected users to help me and the client establish whether the website was clear and easy to use.

Once I completed usability tests and implemented changes base on the results of the usability tests, I started work on developing the website using WordPress and the Elementor page builder tool.

The Shipped Solution